We at Big Trees Community Bible Church Welcome You

Hi, I’m Pastor Jeff.

Two men from our congregation will preach in the coming weeks while I recover from a bad cold I now have, after vacationing in the Philippines. You’ll enjoy hearing from Pastor Emeritus John Detrick who’ll present four messages, as well as from Hans Wilhelm, retired missionary and author of China Hans, who’ll share three messages. I’m sure that you’ll be blessed by each man’s wisdom.

Special Sermon Presenters

— February 9 through March 30 —

See our detailed sermon schedule.

Raye of Sunshine

Women: You’re Invited

Women are invited to the next Raye of Sunshine fellowship meeting.

Raye of Sunshine will meet every second Saturday of the month. The next meeting is on April12, starting at 10:00 a.m.

Each meeting is an opportunity to fellowship with one another, as well as minister and reach out to others. A special focus is providing encouragement to people in our church and our community who are going through difficult times. Please join us at this and upcoming meetings.

Small-Group Bible Study

The Murphys Life Group invitation

Our Murphys-based co-ed small group is now studying the “Gospel of John,” one chapter at a time. Join us March 20 for our next get-together. The group of men and women meets at Tammy Walczak’s home: 441 Pennsylvania Gulch, Murphys CA. Now would be a great time to join this group. For more information or directions, call Tammy at 209-417-4603.

How to give online to BTCBC

To make giving easier, we’ve set up an online giving option.

Please click this link to our giving portal if you’d like to give online.


You can also find daily devotionals that I’ve written on my blog: "Pastor Jeff’s Neighborhood."

More of our ministries have found creative ways to meet and/or function. for more information.

The elders and I are eager to serve and help you in any way we can. Feel free to reach out to us with any needs or concerns you may have. Thank you.

I hope you’ll join us “indoors” and/or “online” at our Sunday worship services.

Pastor Jeff