What Our Troop Is Doing These Days

American Heritage Girls is a Christ-centered leadership and character-development ministry. You can find its statement of faith here.

AHG Photos Galore!
Parents and children: You're invited to look at and enjoy photos in our AHG photo album. View it here.
Troop CA 0016 includes leaders and girls — from various churches — who meet in our area.
For nine wonderful years, we at Big Trees Church had opportunity to be the charter and meeting place for American Heritage Girls. Tricia Glaze has been faithfully leading this girls group and we are thankful for the extent of her vision and hard work.
Changes this year… With new leadership, our local American Heritage Girls chapter will now relocate to a new location: Mountain Christian Fellowship. We wish them well and trust that the Lord will continue to bless this ministry as it continues under new leadership and in a new church.