Our Current Sermon Series

Matthew the apostle presents Jesus as a most-extraordinary king with a most-unusual kingdom. He comes preaching the good news of the availability of God’s kingdom. Yet it becomes clear that this is no ordinary kingdom — not a political kingdom, but a spiritual one. It’s a kingdom not of this world, yet it impacts our world in powerful ways. His is a kingdom that will come to its fullness one day, but already appears today in surprising ways! Amazing things happen in God’s kingdom: Needs are met, lives are transformed, and hope is restored.

An important part of Jesus’ plan in extending his kingdom is his calling and training of a group of disciples. He asks them to follow him, he trains them, and he models life in God’s kingdom while sending them to touch people’s lives at their point of need. In the end, he commissions his disciples, sending them out in his authority to carry on the ministry, proclaiming the good news and discipling many.

Are you ready for an adventure? Following Jesus requires a wholehearted commitment to trust and obey him. It requires our faith to be stretched as we learn to walk by faith instead of by sight. Kingdom life is a continuous adventure for which you were created. Come, let’s follow him together.

Sermon Schedule with Scripture References

    †  Sunday, June 23:
        “The King and His Kingdom: Introduction to Matthew”
        (Matt. 4:12–17 and selected Scriptures)

        Pastor Jeff’s sermon

    †  Sunday, June 30:
        “The Birth of a King” (Matt. 1 and 2)
        Pastor Jeff’s sermon

    †  Sunday, July 7:
        “Prepare the Way” (Matt. 3)
        Pastor Jeff’s sermon

    †  Sunday, July 14:
        “The Clash of Kingdoms” (Matt. 4:1–11)
        Pastor Jeff’s sermon

    †  Sunday, July 21:
        “The Gospel of the Kingdom” (Matt. 4:12–17)
        Pastor Jeff’s sermon

    †  Sunday, July 28:
        “Called to Be a Disciple” (Matt. 4:18–22)
        Pastor Jeff’s sermon

    †  Sunday, August 4:
        “A Glimpse of Life in the Kingdom” (Matt. 4:23–25)
        Pastor Jeff’s sermon

    †  Sunday, August 11:
        “The Good Life: Who Is Well-Off in the Kingdom?” (Matt. 5:1–12)
        Pastor Jeff’s sermon

    †  Sunday, August 18:
        “The Disciples’ Influence” (Matt. 5:13–16)
        Special sermon

    †  Sunday, August 25:
        “Righteousness: False and True” (Matt. 5:17–20)
        Pastor Jeff’s sermon

    †  Sunday, September 1:
        “A Disciple Must Resist Being Tempted by Anger” (Matt. 5:21–26)
        Pastor Jeff’s sermon

    †  Sunday, September 8:
        “A Disciple Must Resist Being Tempted by Lust” (Matt. 5:27–32)
        Pastor Jeff’s sermon

    †  Sunday, September 15:
        “A Disciple Must Resist Being Tempted to Lie” (Matt. 5:33–37)
        Pastor Jeff’s sermon

    †  Sunday, September 22:
        “A Disciple Must Resist Being Tempted to Retaliate” (Matt. 5:38–42)
        Pastor Jeff’s sermon

    †  Sunday, September 29:
        “A Disciple Must Resist Being Tempted to hate” (Matt. 5:43–48)
        Pastor Jeff’s sermon

See Pastor Jeff’s five previous message videos on this page.

Find all of Pastor Jeff’s 2023 “Romans” videos here.