We at Big Trees Community Bible Church Welcome You
Hi, I’m Pastor Jeff.
It’s the Advent season that leads into Christmas, which is when we celebrate the Messiah’s birth, a special time of the year. Advent invites us to watch and wait for the Messiah. Join us as we watch and wait for him while we prepare to celebrate his birth!
Find out more about our Advent and Christmas Services here.
Christmas Cantata
Our choir has been working hard for this year’s Christmas Cantata titled “The Promise of a King.” We’ll perform on Saturday, December 21, at 2:00 p.m. at Murphy’s Diggins Clubhouse. Cookies and fellowship follow the concert. We’ll also present our Cantata on Sunday, the 22nd, at Big Trees Church, during our Sunday morning service that starts at 10:30 a.m.
Come One, Come All!
Be sure to join us at this year’s special Christmas “Candlelight” Eve service: December 24 at 5:00 p.m. Invite friends and family members to join you as we worship Jesus gloriously.
Operation Christmas Child
On November 23, we assembled and sent more than 300 boxes filled with Christmas joy to children around the world. Many thanks to everyone who participated!
Women’s Bible Study
Thursdays, from 10:00 a.m. Till Noon
Our church’s Women’s Bible Study Group is now studying “Unshakable Hope: Building Our Lives on the Promises of God” by Max Lucado. The study, led by Sue Souza, meets every Thursday at Jan Sabo’s home: 346 Allen Court, Murphys. For more information, talk to Sue (209-419-1489) or Jan (209-559-2709).
Find details about this group’s studies on this page.
You can also find daily devotionals that I’ve written on my blog: "Pastor Jeff's Neighborhood."
More of our ministries have found creative ways to meet and/or function. for more information.
The elders and I are eager to serve and help you in any way we can. Feel free to reach out to us with any needs or concerns you may have. Thank you.
I hope you'll join us "indoors" and/or "online" at our Sunday worship services.
Pastor Jeff