We at Big Trees Community Bible Church Welcome You

Hi, I’m Pastor Jeff.

As we begin a new year, I’ve begun a new series of sermon messages entitled, “Words We Use, But Don’t Always Understand.” Join us as we better understand a variety of words we often use. Hopefully, you’ll find them more meaningful.

My Current message Theme

Pastor Jeff's current sermon series

There are words that we commonly use, yet don’t really understood. This includes a number of words we Christians use frequently. We speak of “grace” and “faith,” but do we really understand what those words mean? I’ll enlighten you about the true meaning of these and other often-used words.

“Grace,” “faith,” “worship,” “blessing,” and “trinity”: We use these words all the time, but do we really understand them? We’ll dig deeply to understand their meaning and significance.

Find more information on my detailed sermon schedule here.

How to give online to BTCBC

To make giving easier, we’ve set up an online giving option.

Please click this link to our giving portal if you’d like to give online.


You can also find daily devotionals that I’ve written on my blog: "Pastor Jeff’s Neighborhood."

More of our ministries have found creative ways to meet and/or function. for more information.

The elders and I are eager to serve and help you in any way we can. Feel free to reach out to us with any needs or concerns you may have. Thank you.

I hope you’ll join us “indoors” and/or “online” at our Sunday worship services.

Pastor Jeff